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Presentation Skills (e-workshop)

Webinář je určen pro zaměstnance a doktorandy s pracovním úvazkem na UK na akademické či pedagogické pozici (pracovní smlouva či dohoda o pracovní činnosti) s úrovní anglického jazyka minimálně na úrovni B2

Designed for students with at least a B2 (upper-intermediate) level of English, this short workshop looks at how to structure a presentation more effectively and build confidence in presenting in English. Personalized one-to-one feedback will also be given virtually to any interested participant (not compulsory).

The workshop starts at 9am.

A 5-minute presentation based on student's own chosen topic can be video recorded and sent to the trainer (by 25th May) or the presentation can be done live online for the trainer at an agreed time and date.

Send links to your recordings to till 19 May. Do not send videos as an attachment. You can place videos, for example, on your university's OneDrive (log in to onedrive.com with your account your_id_number@cuni.cz and your CAS password) or to another place (Dropbox, iCloud, etc.) and share them with a link, which you send to the address above. Sending videos is not necessary for participation in the webinar, but only a great advantage - you will get individual feedback from the lecturer!

Participants will:

  • Learn how to structure their presentations effectively

  • Practise language specific to presentations

  • Develop more engaging visuals

  • Use their voice and body language effectively

  • Learn how to deal with fear and nervousness

Lector: Jason Hwang, B.S., B.A., M.A.Ed.

is originally from California and has been teaching in the Czech Republic and in the UK since 2005. He teaches English for academics and researchers with a strong emphasis on academic presentation skills. Before getting involved in English teaching, he worked as a researcher for one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, as well as acting with some of San Diego’s many theatre companies. Jason holds a Master’s in Education (Applied Linguists) from the Open University, UK and the Cambridge Delta diploma. He also obtained degrees in Biochemistry/Cell Biology and Theatre from the University of California, San Diego.

Projekt: Zkvalitnění strategického řízení na Univerzitě Karlově v oblasti lidských zdrojů ve VaV

Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006210

Začátek akce 1. června 2020
Konec akce 1. června 2020
Organizátor UK Point
Email na organizátora lucie.valova@ruk.cuni.cz
Místo konání akce Online akce
Rezervace http://ipc1.cuni.cz/reg/index.php?event=10385

Napište nám


Web: http://scienceslam.cuni.cz


Náš tým

Lucie Válová

vedoucí aktivit

Soňa Vítková

koordinátorka aktivit

Kateřina Hovorková


Dana Sephtonová

odborná konzultantka

Aktivity jsou realizovány s podporou:

prof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.

prorektorka UK