About Slam ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Science slam is a type of event seeking to popularize science and research. It is a contes showcasing their interesting scientific and research projects in a stand-up format talk. Before each contest, contestants take part in a workshop of presentation skills so that th in the best way for their talk. By doing so, scientists are becoming actors and their audi jury that makes a decision who are the best ones. There is also a jury which evaluate ever Winners of home (local faculty or university) rounds will then take part in inter-universi give tours in schools and other promotional events all around the Czech Republic. Thus the to show to a non-expert public that science and research has an irreplaceable place in our there are always so many new and exciting things to be told in a funny, clear and simple w A talk itself lasts only 6 minutes. Audio-visual equipment is not allowed. Creativity, how limited by any means. Come and help us show the public how they can find out about the lat mysteries and breakthroughs in science and research.